ADAT CHAIM SISTERHOOD 10989 Red Run Blvd, Suite 109, Owings Mills, MD 21117 Tina Asher, President (410) 526-6484 email: talkinteeny@verizon.net email : acsisterhood18@gmail.com

AMIT CHILDREN2800 Stone Cliff Drive, Unit 112 contact: Robbie Pearlstein, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director 410-484-2223email:robbiep@amitchildren.org Russell J Hendel, Sandra Willner, and Barbara Bloom, Co-Presidents AMIT BaltimoreChapter, Debbie Moed, President New York Chapter.

ASSOCIATED WOMEN 101 W. Mt. Royal Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201,Anette G. Saxon, Board Chair, 410-978-5475, agsaxon@comcast.net- Melinda Greenberg Michel, representative, 410-727-4828:email: mmichel@associated.org

BETH EL CONGREGATION SISTERHOOD, 8101 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21208
Co-Presidents for the 2021-2022 year are Jane Sacks, Home Phone:
410-484-6408, Email:janemsacks@gmail.com and Emelie Shwab, home phone, 410-486-0324 Email:Ebs625@gmail.com

BETH ISRAEL CONGREGATION SISTERHOOD 3706 Crondall Lane, Owings Mills, Maryland 21117 Judi Dickman-Narrow,Co- President,(443) 610-5888 email: yenta_18@yahoo.com and Suzanne Kiewe, Co-president, phone (410) 602-1471 email: SuzKiewe@gmail.com

BETH TFILOH CONGREGATION SISTERHOOD 3300 Old Court Road, Pikesville, Maryland 21208
Charlene Shimberg, Consortium of Presidents, 410-484-4516 email: cschimberg@gmail.com and Donna Belsky, Consortium of Presidents, 410-653-6226 email: cdbelsky@comcast.net

CHANA (A program of the Associated) contact number: 410-234-0030 email: info@chanabaltimore.org
Board Chair, Linda Katz, phone 410-363-4121 Email:lindagkatz4@gmail.com Representative - Sylvia Tulkoff (410) 358-0956, stulkoff@verizon.net

CHIZUK AMUNO CONGREGATION SISTERHOOD 8100 Stevenson Road, Pikesville, Maryland 21208 email:  info@chizukamuno.org 410-484-6400 Ellen Weiss, President 410-877-9876 ellensmkbiz@verizon.net

COVENANT GUILD, INC. 802 Hammershire Road, Owings Mills, MD 21117 - Beth Schlein, President, 410-530-2055, email: bethschlein.covenantguild@gmail.com

HADASSAH GREATER BALTIMORE 3723 Old Court Road Suite 205, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 baltimore.chapter@hadassah.org (410) 484-9590 Ellen Sizemore, Co-President esizemore@hadassah.org, Co-President Kay Schuster, email:kshuster@hadassah.org

ISRAEL BONDS MARYLAND WOMEN'S DIVISION Wendy Drazin, Chair (443)794-4945 wendy.drazin@drazinlaw.com

JEWISH CARING NETWORK Stacey Goldenberg, Director of Operations (410) 602-6075, email: sgoldenberg@jewishcaringnetw email: info@jewishcaringnetwork.org https://www.jewishcaringnetwork.org/

JEWISH NATIONAL FUND 2 Reservoir Circle, Suite 203, Baltimore, MD 21208., Contact Betsy Narrow , email:betsynarrow@gmail.com President, Nanci Seff (410) 580-9319 email: nseffcpa@yahoo.com

JEWISH WOMEN OF HOWARD COUNTY 10630 Little Patuxent Parkway Suite 400 Columbia, MD 21044
Elana Pomeranz, Representative - 720-402-7605 elanapom@gmail.com

JEWISH WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL, LILLIE STRAUS/HOPE CHAPTER Roz Asch, Co- President (410) 653-7833 Betsy Felsenberg, Co-President 410-653-7833 email: roz1028shack@comcast.net

KAPPA GUILD, INC. 4327 Crestheights Road, Baltimore, MD 21215, Co-President,Sheila Mentz,
(410)484-8215 email: morahsheila@aol.com and Co-President, Miriam Stern, (410) 602-0175 email: bubbysternmail@aol.com

LEVINDALE AUXILIARY INC 2434 West Belvedere Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21215-5299, Co- Presidents, Marcia Bornfriend, Betsy Narrow and Eve Vogelstein. email: levindaleauxiliary@lifebridgehealth.org 410-601-2378

MIRIAM LODGE, K.S.B., INC. 3100 Stone Cliff Drive, #306 Baltimore, Terry Lusk, Co-President,
(410) 764-1666 email info to:trin1928lar@gmail.com Norma Samson, Co-President 410-484-3074 email: normasamson3@comcast.net, Co-President Florence Pollack, 410-654-5655 email:   howardandflo@verizon.net

MOSES MONTEFIORE ANSHE EMUNAH SISTERHOOD 7000 Rockland Hills Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21209 Iris Friedman, President (410)484-2287 email:ifriedman1@verizon.net

NER TAMID GREENSPRING VALLEY CONGREGATION SISTERHOOD 6214 Pimlico Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21209  Yael Goldstein, President 216-870-1156 email - schony89@gmail.com

RODGER C. SNYDER MEMORIAL, LADIES AUXILIARY #117, JEWISH WAR VETERANS, Lois Schworm, President, (410) 453-6661, lmsanjds@live.com

Jennifer Grossman, President 410-375-6992   jgrossman@shalomtikuvah.org, Nicole P Glick, PsyD, Clinical Director Info@Shalomtikvah.org

SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES OF NURSING HOME RESIDENTS Beverley Fishman, President (410)627-1680, contactsfnr@yahoo.com

TEMPLE ISAIAH SISTERHOOD, Janice Wasserman, President, divajan17@gmail.com

WOMEN OF BALTIMORE HEBREW CONGREGATION 7401 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21208, Marcia Bornfriend, President, 443-878-8977   marcia410@comcast.net

WOMEN'S CLUB OF HAR SINAI-OHEB SHALOM CONGREGATION 7310 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland  21208 Sherri Bell, Co-president and Susan Yaffe, Co-president (443) 352‐3800, email:susanyaffeevents@comcast.net


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